Pregnancy Period On Birth Control : Flu And Pregnancy - Dangers Of Flu During Pregnancy

เขียนโดย Unknown วันเสาร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556 , ,

Pregnancy Period On Birth Control : Flu And Pregnancy - Dangers Of Flu During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Period On Birth Control : Flu And Pregnancy - Dangers Of Flu During Pregnancy - Flu and Pregnancy - Dangers of Flu During Pregnancy

What aneffects of flu infection during pregnancy? Pregnancies in second and third trimesters if got Flu virus have a high risk of suffering a fatal disease. This risk is since the pregnancies occurred numerous physiological and hormonal changes. In addition to the immunological condition of pregnant, there was a shift from cellular immunity to be mechanism, so that pregnancies are often susceptible to viral infections, as nicely as influenza. This opinion is reinforced by the data, the mortality rates of women who are pregnant within the case of pandemic Flu in 1918 and 1957 was above that of non-pregnant women. Evidently, pregnancies are far more liable to complications of Flu virus infection.

In pregnant women a carrier of H5N1, was f ... [Read More - Pregnancy Period On Birth Control]

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